Enlarged Prostate-Breaking It Down
An enlarged prostate is a widespread male urological condition. Also referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia or (BPH), this condition occurs in over half the men between 51 and 60 years. Besides, men over 70 years are highly prone to BPH. Some of the risk factors associated with enlarged prostate include age, genetics, and conditions like diabetes. The MESU Centre headed by Dr. Samson Misango is a centre of excellence in the diagnosis and treatment of enlarged prostate. Symptoms of an Enlarged Prostate Prostate enlargement is not cancer. Nevertheless, when your prostate enlarges, it presses down on your urethra. Some of the tell-tale symptoms of an enlarged prostate include: o Difficult or painful urination o Frequent urge to urinate o A feeling of a full bladder o Slow or weak flow of urine o Urinary incontinence o More than usual visits to the bathroom at night There are a variety of diagnostic methods for BPH. These include urinalysis, a digi